About Prince George, BC
Take a stroll in Prince George and you’ll meet people who have moved here by choice from all over to enjoy all that this great city offers. As you are welcomed with open arms, be ready to embark on all of the opportunities and a fresh start
Prince George is situated at the crossroads of Highway 16 and Highway 97 and is the largest city in northern British Columbia. Now with that being said, we are actually in central BC. The city offers a wide variety of affordable housing options where dreams of home ownership become a reality. You can own a home without being house poor!! This allows you to have savings for a rainy day fund, be able to afford a vacation each year or help your kids through college or university. Both of which are in Prince George.
You can go from preschool to PhD without ever leaving the city and all levels of education are top notch. The College of New Caledonia is one of the most affordable post-secondary institutions in BC offering an unforgettable student experience. The University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) is rated #1 among small universities in Canada. The value that UNBC offers is reflected in the success of our graduates who have an employment rate that is higher than the provincial average.
Jobs! We’re among the front-running cities in job creation. Prince George has economic growth and exciting opportunities that allow for you to find a suitable job.
If you love the outdoors, you will love Prince George. The city has a truly awesome location in BC within moderate driving distance to a number of lakes, quadding, sledding and anything outdoors!
There’s something special about Prince George, it truly is a great place to live and work and you can have what matters to you. Strike a balance between family, work and recreation – and see where it takes you. When looking back in five or ten years time, you will be glad that you decided to relocate to this wonderful city.